• Rating:
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  • Manufacturer:
    Cheese gallery
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  • Milk:
  • Cheese type:
  • Fat per 100 g:
    31 g
  • Kind:

135 грн

As the cheese is young, it has a very delicate creamy taste and a soft brittle structure. In the aftertaste there are notes of summer fruits, light milk and creaminess.

Cheese is added to salads, cook bruschetta, combined with white wine such as Orvieto. Perfectly combined with the Norwegian Gudbrandsdalen and Geithost.

Western Europe goat cheese conquered only in the XVIII century, after the conquest of the Moors in Spain. This is confirmed by the old names of cheeses, which came to the table aristocrats. In France, for example, the name of the most popular cheeses - Chabichou (chabichou) - comes from the Arabic "Shabi", in translation - "a goat". Today, goat cheese classified as a cheese of high art. His love gourmets, preferring tender cheese flavor. For the preparation of goat cheese used fat and flavored milk. The special container is heated to 33 degrees, add leaven. After 24 hours the product becomes cheesy consistency, after which the mass is spread by hand into molds. Gradually whey drains, mass becomes denser, and the future is transferred to a cheese cellar to mature. Strict compliance with controlled temperature and humidity technology is important in order to ensure conditions of microorganisms that make goat cheese becomes a finished product. Interestingly, just ripened goat cheese characterized by the absence of taste and an almost perfect white. Only a week goat cheese acquires his characteristic gentle aroma.

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