- SKU:880919
- 100
- Manufacturer:TINE
- Manufacturer country:Norway
- Milk:Cow and goat
- Cheese type:Young
- Fat per 100 g:29 g
- Kind:Soft
All ingredients (whey, cream cow's, goat's milk) cooked as long as they contain sugar do not begin to turn into caramel. It is therefore not surprising that the early taste of this cheese is like a candy - sweet, sweet, and only later begins to differ acidity and spicy sharpness characteristic cheese from goat's milk. Despite all its softness, Hudbrandsdalen quite resilient in their consistency.
The Norways is so fond of this cheese that literally eat it every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, cut into slices and put on waffles, crackers, toast, sandwich on wheat bread. Particularly well this sweet cheese combined with marmalade of red fruit. Or as a snack with beer. Cheese Gudbrandsdalsost is decoration of any cheese plate. Our guests especially loved how sweet addition to strong coffee. Despite the sweetness of the cheese, it is combined with good wine, especially sparkling. Our sommeliers were chosen such a perfect combination of Hudbrandsdalenom as: dry red wine Château Fomper 2008, which gives the cheese a wonderful gastronomic plombirnyy palate with a long finish custard; Coffee and pink sparkling Freixenet Roger D'Anoia Rosado Seco, which emphasizes and highlights caramel and creamy taste. Cooks use Hudbrandsdalen in various sauces, cheese fondue, baked fish with him and even meat. Since it is prepared meatballs to the sauce. Norway is famous venison stew recipe with a secret ingredient, do you think that is the secret ingredient? Of course, Hudbrandsdalen!
This traditional Norwegian cheese has become the hallmark of the country of eternal cold. To be entirely accurate, Hudbrandsdalen is a type of Norwegian brown cheese brunost / Bryunust (Norwegian. Brunost, «brown cheese", in Sweden - Swede. Mesost), originating from the valley Hudbrandsdal in Norway. In Norway, for a long time taken to cook a special image milk and whey together to get a "reception" - a soft cheese on brown texture, sweet taste. Due to an unexpected coincidence, the wife of a farmer Anne Hov once tried to pour the cream into the pot, where boiled "copies". And it happened in 1860. Her "fat cheese" sold better, and most importantly, more conventional "prima" oil or its production. It is believed that accidentally found its recipe inventive woman is not just invented a new kind of cheese, but also saved the valley farms Hudbrandsdal from complete ruin during the financial crisis in 1880. In 1933, 87-year-old Anne Hov received for his invention of the Royal medal! Cheese light brown in color and has a caramel flavor that is explained by special, non-standard approach to cooking: milk cooked about 7-8 hours until the sugar it contains no caramel forms. In this it is similar to rykotta, also brewed with serum; almost all other cheeses in the world made from grain cheese and whey just merged. Sweetness in the raw natural - not malt, but salt. Fat cheese in this more or less standard - 29%. Interestingly, the average Norwegian is taking a year about 13 kilograms Hudbrandsdalen and his kind. A Hudbrandsdalen from goat's milk (10%), cow cream (10%) and whey (80% by weight). In Hudbrandsdalen, cheese, cooked by type Bryunosta is Heytost (Norwegian. Geitost or Gjetost, read yaytust), considered more traditional version, simply means "Cozia cheese" made from goat's milk and therefore has a sharper taste. The third type of cheese is Brunost Flёtemyusust (Norwegian. Fløtemysost), which is produced from cow's milk without any goats. In Norway there are about 10 varieties of cheese. Speaking of this famous cheese maker - Tine BA (read "shadow") - a cooperative, one of Europe's largest dairy vyrobnyivk that unites more than 15 thousand farmers and more than 5000 employees.